The movie sets in place in Seoul, South Korea where the main character named Seokwo Seo working in a stock firm as a fund manager. Seokwo Seo has a daughter named Suan Seo, and he is a terrible dad as he is busy with his own job and have his mom raise her most of the time. He divorced with his wife not so long ago and his daughter wanted to go to Busan where her mother lives. The main character took a rest and with his daughter got into a KTX, a Korean rapid bullet train, bound for Busan at Seoul Station. At the same time, an infected person got into the train as of instinct for survival and the infection inside the KTX begins.
Personally, I think it was a masterpiece as action scenes were impressive, showed a bitter satire on Korean society and I got to understand each characters' conflicts. Each and every scene in the movie was thrilling and hard to foresee what was coming. If you want to watch it, go and buy or rent a DVD if available and see it for yourself.